Please select one of the options below to choose how you would like to direct your support.
Sefiros Member Program
Play a vital role in shining the light of authentic Jewish Kabbalah with us and receive exclusive benefits.
Online Kiruv Efforts
Shining the light of authentic Jewish Kabbalah through this website and a variety of other third-party platforms.
Mikdash House Project
A place that will connect visitors to the wisdom of authentic Jewish Kabbalah and Kabbalistic meditation.
Book Publishing
A number of books are in the works, which are in need of financial support. Dedication opportunities available.
Community Events
Sponsor spiritually refreshing, joyous events, full of Torah learning and rejoicing in the goodness of HaShem.
Yeshiva & Kollel
Scholarships and stipends are essential for many students who dedicate themselves to learning Torah.